We decided to play with the idea of ‘perfect you in a perfect world’ — you know, the “you” that rises and shines at 5 a.m. with fabulous makeup on, belts out tunes like a soul diva, and eats healthy food that always tastes good. In the video, we show Bilo as a perfect cottage cheese that is nutritious and delicious all on its own.
In reality, life is a bit messier — no singing birds to help with chores, and you’re so busy that finding time to eat is a challenge. But you like your life and it’s quite sweet in its imperfections. And Bilo cottage cheese remains perfect, just like in your dream — good on its own. No extras needed.
We invited the fabulous entrepreneur Dasha Katsurina to star in our video, where she effortlessly transforms from a whimsical princess in a perfect world into her perfectly imperfect authentic self in real life, enjoying Bilo cottage cheese straight from the package while effortlessly juggling her duties.